To start with Some Information about Myself:
Currently A high School Student in South Florida, Flanagan
High specifically. Studying computer science, and teaching myself
graphic design, html, and a few other tricks along the way.
Sports fan; from hockey, to football, to an occasional baseball
game here and there. Been known to watch golf or lacross on
the side as well. Avid gamer. Currently Own a PC(obviously),
a PS2, and a few older systems including genesis, snes, dreamcast,
and some old handhelds. Music is a major part of everything
I do. Cannot be without a cd/mp3 player or stereo. Mostly Like
Rock, Alternative, Indie, Emo, Punk, Ska, and just about anything
rock oriented.
The Purpose of Making This Site:
Basically started as a place to house my wallpapers,
skins, pictures, and other creations. Especially after starting
to map and skin for games, I needed a host to keep everything
organized. In the past I have had a weblog set up that worked
well, but just never had the time to keep it running. I hope this
one does better, and the layout is much simpler and easier to